Monday, April 26, 2010

Check your Style from the Bottom Up! (Part1)

Salsa Tool #5 – I’m not an expert on fashion, but I think I have made some good observations. Some people might think that choice of shoes and clothing is obviously common sense, yet Salsa fashion seems to be overlooked or undervalued so often. For some people fashion comes easy, yet for others, they are lucky if their socks match. This salsa tool can give you an edge on the competition. Take a look in your closet and inventory the options you have for going out Salsa dancing. Look carefully at your shoes and clothes. Remember… styles vary with an individual’s tastes and each person has plenty of options. If you have a budget for clothes, then maybe it is time to buy some new threads. As much as we want people to love us for who we are on the inside, everything about our outside speaks volumes about who we are as people. So, other than your charming personality, you really should seriously consider your options when it comes to choosing clothes. Before you go shopping for clothes, take a look at your shoes.

Shoes are the most important item you can purchase to aid you in learning to dance Salsa. You may shop for dress shoes that look good and have a smooth sole OR you may choose to shop at a specialty store for “Latin dance” shoes, sometimes called “Ballroom Dance Shoes”. Ladies usually fair better at dance-specialty shoe stores, than the guys do… I am sure that most men can find a nice pair of leather-soled shoes at the mall… the kind of shoe that permits some smooth moves on the dance floor. If you can purchase a couple of different styles... that would be the best way to go. Purchase a pair that are definitely casual, and a couple other pair that have a bit more style and class.

Guys, we are really lucky. Most guys I know, myself included, enjoy going out wearing some casual threads... especially for dancing. The average Salsa club has that feel of "I'm coool and the way I dress shows it." I am not exactly sure who started the dress-down style for Salsa... but if you enjoy going out in jeans and a T-shirt, then dressing for most Salsa events will be a piece of cake. Maybe "Street Salsa" has influenced informal attire seen at clubs, especially for the guys. Whenever you are watching people dance, check out how people are dressed. In my opinion, on average the ladies usually are dressed better than the men. Does any of this matter? Sometimes it does. I think the dress-down style of Salsa clothing is great, depending on the occasion. Just be sure you can separate true “casual” style vs. “I was in a hurry and I put on the first pair of pants and shirt I could find." At some point guys (men)… we may decide to dance in an upscale club that has a dress code. In that case, you should get some info about where you will be going, and make a good selection... especially if you want to impress Miss Cutieee who is always dressed fashionably and who always looks HOT!

I know that generally, the ladies are usually more concerned about what they plan to wear to a dance party, than the men are. So I may write a part 2, where I interview a couple of Salseras and find out about the ladies' views on fashion in the world of Salsa! I am not endorsing any product, but I found the following links that may be helpful to you:

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